Jennifer Chavez-Miller

Jennifer Chavez-Miller

Americas, Colombia, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Jennifer Chavez-Miller teaches at Mountain Mahogany Community School (MMCS) and, through her work with 72 sixth, seventh and eighth grade students, strives to realize the school’s vision to create a joyous learning world in which public education and profound nurturing are synonymous. Jennifer worked at MMCS since 2007, teaching 2nd - 4th grade students before assuming the role of Middle School Curriculum Coordinator to develop MMCS’s middle school programs in addition to full‐time teaching. As a 2010 Golden Apple Fellow, Jennifer mentors pre‐service teachers in the field through NM Golden Apple Foundation. By participating in TGC, Jennifer became committed to teaching through the critical paradigm of global education so that her students can view and express their own experiences through the lens of global connectedness.

Through her Global Education Guide, Jennifer Chavez-Miller hopes to inspire teachers to adopt global education practices in their classrooms. She provides many useful resources for teachers to use and make the transition to creating global classrooms. Included in her Global Education Guide is a unit plan on American Indians and Indigenous Peoples of the World. Students learn about indigenous people, indigenous peoples’ rights, and visit a Pueblo to learn more about the Acoma people. At the end of the unit, students learn how cultural interaction, geography, and the environment impact relations between non-indigenous people and indigenous people. Students devise and justify a proposal to support the rights and ways of life indigenous people around the world using a multi-media program. Jennifer traveled to Colombia for her International Field Experience and provides a collection of resources that can be found on her travel blog.