Karen Michelle Gibbs

Karen Michelle Gibbs

Americas, Panama, Primary and Secondary Education, 2024

Karen works in the education sector as the Entrepreneur/Founder of ScholarShine. For Latin American students between the ages of fifteen and eighteen that are uncertain about what to study, ScholarShine is an educational technology company that helps them discover their abilities, explore their interests, and develop skills such as communication, creativity, and critical thinking through a career exploration test that generates two automatic personality and skills reports. This ensures they make an informed and fulfilling decision regarding choosing a university major and becoming better prepared for the professional world. Karen’s short-term goal is to reach 1,000 students in the first two quarters of 2024. Ultimately, the objective is to provide opportunities to more than twenty-seven million students in the region by 2030, revolutionizing how they choose their careers. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Karen's top business challenge is Operations, especially the improvement of their platform's technical operations, as limited resources have made it difficult for the company to hire developers with the necessary expertise. During the Fellowship Placement, Karen hopes to gain valuable insights, industry knowledge, and the opportunity to connect with seasoned professionals to expand her network. She hopes to learn from their experiences and discover how they have overcome various career challenges.