Luis Gerardo Carvajal Fernandez

Luis Gerardo Carvajal Fernandez

Americas, Mexico, Environmental Issues, Environmental Issues, 2024

Luis Gerardo works in the energy and environment sector as the Co-founder of Hydrop. For industrial customers wanting to decarbonize their operations (electricity + heat) and use hydrogen (H2) and/or oxygen (O2) in their processes, Hydrop is a large-scale B2B energy/green hydrogen storage company specializing in renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions (which could also reduce carbon taxes). Luis Gerardo’s short-term goal for Hydrop is to secure the first pilot project with a potential customer to demonstrate the system’s techno-economic benefits while validating the underlying business model and identify a region, namely Latin America, USA, or Europe, that can best serve as an early adopter for the system. Ultimately, Luis Gerardo’s long-term vision for Hydrop is to expand to enable renewable energy in the industry sector, helping it decarbonize its electricity and heat demand while driving the green hydrogen economy, and to extend its modular systems into different scales, from Wh to MWh, according to customer needs. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Luis Gerardo’s top business challenge is Strategy. As a venture that started within the Siemens Energy Ventures portfolio, the company has the flexibility of a start-up but also has some corporate features, including the occasionally extensive process for approvals (e.g., budget, procurement). During the Fellowship Placement, Luis Gerardo hopes to learn successful strategies that technology-based organizations use to drive their businesses regarding profitability, technology development, sustainability, and scale.