Maria Alejandra Rodriguez Le Maitre

Maria Alejandra Rodriguez Le Maitre

Americas, Venezuela, Economic Innovation and Growth, 2021

As a Co-Founder and COO for Drone Pixel, Maria Alejandra Rodriguez has experience in UAV technology, data interpretation, project management, and identifying and conducting new market opportunities for drone services. During the fellowship, Maria Alejandra aims to learn more about drone business management and GIS application data, connect with hardware and sensors developers for RPA such as FLIR, and connect to business opportunities in South America. Upon returning to Venezuela, Maria Alejandra plans to lead a strategic partnership to implement new technology to inspect power lines, telecommunications assets, and pipelines, which will allow the company to detect gas leaks or hydrocarbons for oil and gas industries and thus reduce risk to human lives. She also plans to develop strategies to train new talent in new technologies and thus contribute to the planning and rebuilding process of the country in a variety of industries.