Martha Lorenia Monreal Quintana

Martha Lorenia Monreal Quintana

Americas, Mexico, Health, 2024

Martha works in the health sector as a Psychologist and the co-CEO of Centro Integral de Psicología. For children, adolescents, and adults struggling with their mental health, Centro Integral de Psicología is a private clinic of professional psychologists who provide affordable, high-quality, and comprehensive online services to identify and solve clients' difficulties through intervention strategies, helping them achieve optimal human development and a better quality of life. The organization also performs couples therapy and company counseling on mental health and human rights, and evidence-based therapies guide its services per the American Psychological Association. Martha's short-term goal is for the company to become a national proponent of evidence-based psychotherapy services (in-person and online services). Moreover, their long-term objective is to position the company at the forefront of psychological centers—providing the highest quality services and producing the most effective results nationwide—and gain recognition for its values and relevance. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Martha’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they want to grow the business to other cities and countries through its online services. During the Fellowship Placement, Martha hopes to broaden their vision as an entrepreneur and realize the organization's full potential by gaining valuable insights from diverse perspectives and observing the expansion strategies employed by other companies in the psychology field.