Miranda Nacia George Arthur

Miranda Nacia George Arthur

Americas, Saint Lucia, Business, 2024

Miranda works in the technology and education sector as the Creative and Technology Director of Techtronknights. For business professionals, students, and teachers seeking assistance and training in fields related to information technology that desire to be treated as willing students rather than as customers, Techtronknights is an information technology company that adapts and makes use of all its resources to help each student grow, establishing rapport and trust with them. Students see Techtronknights employees as problem-solvers who are there to educate and encourage them. Miranda aims to fully digitize operations and provide a multi-resource digital platform in the short term and ultimately to team up with various non-profit organizations to create opportunities for technology students in Saint Lucia. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Miranda’s top business challenge is Finance. More specifically, they want to secure the finances to achieve their goals. During the Fellowship Placement, Miranda hopes to gain knowledge and develop business ideas that can improve their operations and investment plans so that they can expand their company.