Rosie Bick-Mera

Rosie Bick-Mera

Technical Advisor
Americas, Civil Society, Youth

Rosie Bick-Mera is a technical advisor in IREX’s Communities and Governance Practice with expertise in trauma-informed approaches and gender equity and social inclusion.

Rosie has experience working with youth from marginalized and at-risk communities, such as LGBTQIA+ youth, young mothers, survivors of human trafficking, and immigrants and refugees from countries including El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, Serbia, Philippines, and Malawi. She is fluent in Spanish.

Prior to working at IREX, Rosie worked as a psychotherapist in both private practice and community mental health. Rosie is experienced in creating curricula and leading workshops and training, with a focus on trauma informed programming and GESI.

Rosie earned a bachelor’s degree in social work from the University of Vermont, and a master’s degree in social work from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, with a specialization in community action and social policy.