Shakeem Sharone Rolle

Shakeem Sharone Rolle

Americas, Bahamas, Business, 2024

Shakeem works in the electronics and technology sector as a Security Technician for Rolle’s Safetech Security. Rolle’s is a technology security firm whose customers, including businesses of all sizes, residential homeowners, retail stores, and banks, require adaptable, scalable solutions and services tailored to their specific needs. The company believes in reliability, sustainability, and transparency and listens carefully to each customer’s needs, allowing the company to develop personalized solutions. In the short term, Shakeem aims to grow, with a focus on its social media presence and employee development. Ultimately, they aim to be the company that best understands and satisfies product service and fulfillment needs. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Shakeem’s top business challenges is Scaling & Expansion, more specifically, a lack of capital, marketing, and advertising. During the Fellowship Placement, Shakeem hopes to gain experience to address his specific shortcomings and gather the knowledge he needs to make his business flourish. He is excited to make new connections, share his security expertise, collaborate with others, and further the aims of his organization.