Vanessa Ingrid Telemaque

Vanessa Ingrid Telemaque

Africa, Seychelles, Public Management, 2016
Vanessa Telemaque graduated as a medical doctor four years ago and has been working as a community health medical officer since 2015. She is currently doing her master’s degree in Family Medicine. Vanessa is a member of the Health of our Nation initiative and is actively involved in health campaigns and screening programs. She focuses on early detection and management of hypertension and diabetes, which cause significant amounts of morbidity and mortality. She’s also done numerous talks on men’s health in light of the decrease in the life expectancy of men compared to women and has experience in planning, managing resources, and marketing these events. Vanessa hopes to use the knowledge gained from the Fellowship to help a greater amount of people by becoming an effective manager thus being able to delegate responsibilities and organize more activities to increase the population’s health awareness and education.