Victoria Santana De Souza

Victoria Santana De Souza

Americas, Brazil, Civic Engagement, 2024

Victoria works in the education sector as the CEO of Ubuntu Hub. For young people aged eighteen to thirty from low-income communities who typically do not have access to technological education, Ubuntu Hub provides training. Victoria aims to help solve social problems, such as increasing youth unemployment, low dissemination of technology and innovation in slums and poor communities, and lack of diversity among qualified professionals in the technology sector. Ultimately, Victoria would like to make a positive impact by creating a social innovation hub that galvanizes people and drives ideas that change the world through education, technology, and entrepreneurship. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Victoria’s top business challenge is Finance. More specifically, they want to encourage more people from low-income backgrounds to enter the technology field. During the Fellowship Placement, Victoria hopes to gain knowledge about social products, learn about monetization in a social business, and develop their career.