Wendy Harris

Wendy Harris

Americas, Colombia, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Wendy Harris began teaching in 2002, with more than a decade of experience at the Metro Deaf School’s secondary program (ages 11-21). Her classes are focused on social studies, which include Minnesota history, U.S. history, world history, geography, civics/government and economics.  Wendy also occasionally taught classes such as English, math, Spanish and sewing.  Metro Deaf School is a bilingual school for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students.  American Sign Language is the primary language, and written English is taught as an additional language; on average there are 5 students in her class.  At the school, she serves as a liaison for Spanish-speaking families.  Wendy has trained educational interpreters for Deaf students and social studies teachers on content and teaching methodologies. Having discovered that international knowledge is critical for all students, Wendy’s participation in TGC developed her global teaching skills to open the world for her students, and to help other teachers incorporate an international perspective in their courses.

Wendy developed a Global Education Guide for use by her school and also other teachers who work with deaf students. Her global studies unit plan has been modified for developing-bilingual students with delayed language development. She prepares multiple, scaffolded lessons on the effect of topographical and environmental features on human activity and population density and emphasizes the use of informal and formal ASL and connecting her students to other deaf students. On her International Field Experience, Wendy traveled to Colombia and compiled a collection of resources that is accessible on her travel blog.