Zora Javorská

Zora Javorská

Europe & Eurasia, Czech Republic, Environmental Issues, Women and Gender Issues, 2013

Zora Javorská is Project Coordinator at NESEHNUTÍ, a nongovernmental organization in Brno, Czech Republic, where she works on the Systemic Change in Czech Obstetrics project which aims to educate and empower women to advocate for changes to the national health care system. Javorská is also supporting midwives through advocacy initiatives with the goal of legitimizing their role in the health care system. As a fellow at the American College of Nurse-Midwives in Silver Spring, Maryland, she conducted small research projects focusing on out of hospital (OOH) births in the U.S., interviewed midwives practicing OOH births in several different states, and created research analyses compiling the findings. Upon her return to the Czech Republic, Javorská focused on providing a U.S. perspective toward these issues to Czech specialists and the public by organizing round tables and conferences with U.S. experts.

Email: zorienka@gmail.com