REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS (RFA) Ukraine Rapid Response Fund - Borodianka Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation

REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS (RFA) Ukraine Rapid Response Fund - Borodianka Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation

REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS (RFA) IREX is inviting applicants to collaborate in the context of its Ukraine Rapid Response Fund (URRF) program

Application Submission start date: July 1, 2024

Application Submission closing date: July 23, 2024



The URRF program is implemented by the International Research and Exchange Board (IREX) in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022. The program is designed to address immediate critical needs and enhance the resilience of Ukraine’s government, civil society, civilian population, and veterans.

USG Regulations: 

Department of State Standard Terms and Conditions and 2 CFR 200 Unified Administrative 

Requirements Subpart A through E apply. 


IREX expects to award one subaward to a non-profit organization (NGO)/consortium of NGOs selected through an open call for proposals. The expected duration of IREX’s support or the period of performance is September 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025. Ukraine Rapid Response Fund Program/IREX reserves the right to fund any or none of the application submitted. 

Through this competition, sub-awardee, if selected, will receive funding to implement their project to design and implement activities to meet the needs and enhance the capacity of the “Borodianka Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation” (Borodianka Center) of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine (MoVA). The amount of funding awarded and the timeline for implementation will be largely based on the specifics of the project approved.

All proposed projects MUST be in line with URRF’s overarching goal of advancing Ukraine's resilience or addressing an immediate need created by the Russian invasion. In order to be accepted by the URRF selection committee, your proposed project MUST have a direct link to conditions caused by the ongoing war. The proposed activities within your project must be meaningful and measurable. 

Applications related to the provision of medicine and specific medical equipment, food products, humanitarian aid, disposable goods, support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Territorial Defense Forces and other military structures and institutions, scientific research, activities outside Ukraine and individual scholarships, as well as organizations that have affiliation with elected officials, political parties, or religious groups WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

One organization or a consortium of organizations could submit one proposal for consideration. IREX will be involved in every stage of the sub-award implementation.


In March 2022, a direct strike by the tank of Russian Federation destroyed the Borodianka Center, a facility dedicated to providing psychological and social support to war veterans and their families. The reconstruction of the Borodianka Center commenced in December 2022 and was completed, initiating operations, by the end of March 2024.

The Center has identified several priorities, which include assisting veterans’ reintegration into civilian life, helping veterans restore and maintain their mental and physical health, introducing innovative forms of therapy, and providing legal support to veterans and their families. The Borodianka Center provides services tailored to the rehabilitative needs of veterans and the wider Borodianka community, through such mechanisms as individual counselling, group therapy, support groups, and family counseling. Specialized rooms for ergonomic therapy, art therapy, cryotherapy, and virtual reality have been equipped to help overcome the wounds of combat trauma. 

Recognizing the crucial role of the Borodianka Center, the URRF program is committed to providing ongoing support to enhance the Center’s capabilities further.

Experienced NGOs in Ukraine are best placed to design and implement activities to meet the needs and enhance the capacity of the Borodianka Centre. They should be able to:

  • Enhance the skills of specialists, providing experts to support capacity building, procuring items needed for rehabilitation, and/or providing cutting-edge digital tools. 
  • Help medical, rehabilitation and mental health professionals acquire new and update existing skills, delve into advanced technologies, and explore innovative rehabilitation methods. This pursuit is essential to enhance the care provided to Ukrainian citizens, particularly veterans impacted by war-related injuries, with the ultimate goal of fortifying and expediting their recovery process. 

Projects must meet the activity “Supporting the initiatives of the President and First Lady of Ukraine with the focus on Veteran rehabilitation and reintegration” that is a part of URRF’s objective: “Rapid, flexible means to help civilians and key civil society groups avoid the worst impacts of combat operations.”

NGO(s) must complete activities at the Borodianka Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation.

It is anticipated that the selected NGO/consortium of NGOs will organize:

Capacity building component

  • Comprehensive strategic session and a 2-year workplan development with involvement of the Borodianka Center and MoVA’s responsible staff members.
  • Capacity building support for the Borodianka Center that can include legal services, project management services, analytical services, budget and accounting services, communication services, etc.
  • Other capacity building trainings and activities proposed by NGO for the Borodianka center, like fundraising, project management, teambuilding activities, etc.

Rehabilitation equipment and training component

  • Providing and setting up rehabilitation equipment for the Borodianka Center. This can include equipment for sports (including adaptive sports), ergotherapy.
  • Conducting comprehensive training sessions for the Borodianka staff members on the appropriate usage of this equipment in veterans' rehabilitation.
  • Comprehensive training sessions for adaptive sports trainers who will work both in Borodianka and throughout Ukraine, involving at least 30 professionals from a minimum of 5 different Ukrainian oblasts.

Mental health and sport rehabilitation component

  • Comprehensive training sessions for mental health professionals on working with war-related psychological trauma, PTSD, and other relevant topics, for those who will work both in Borodianka and throughout Ukraine, engaging at least 30 professionals from a minimum of 5 different Ukrainian oblasts.
  • Comprehensive training of trainers (ToT) sessions for mental health professionals on working with war-related psychological trauma, PTSD, and other relevant topics, for those who will work both in Borodianka and throughout Ukraine, engaging at least 20 professionals from a minimum of 4 different Ukrainian oblasts.
  • Comprehensive training sessions for mental health professionals on working with the families of veterans, involving at least 30 professionals from a minimum of 5 different Ukrainian oblasts.
  • Comprehensive training of trainers (ToT) sessions for mental health professionals on working with the families of veterans, involving at least 20 professionals from a minimum of 4 different Ukrainian oblasts.

Activities that promote the Borodianka Center as an educational hub for professionals working with veterans

  • At least two events related to the implemented project: an opening event to present the project to relevant stakeholders and a closing event to summarize the project results.
  • Informational activities and campaigns to support the promotion of the Borodianka Center as an educational hub for professionals working with veterans.
  • Any other trainings, workshops, or educational activities that promote and contribute to capacity building for the Borodianka Center.

The implementation and development of the project will be carried out in close cooperation and coordination with MoVA and will be governed by a memorandum of understanding signed between IREX and MoVA.

The selected NGO will need to sign an obligatory Memorandum of Cooperation/ Memorandum of Understanding with MoVa before the official start of the project.

The list of activities is indicative and may be modified during the negotiation process with the selected NGO in accordance with the needs of MoVA.

Project proposals and budgets are expected to be submitted in accordance with the aforementioned indicators.


The expected duration of IREX’s support and the period of performance is September 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025, or shorter depending on the grant proposal needs. The implementation schedule may vary depending on the program's needs and funding availability. The amount of funding awarded and the timeline for implementation will be largely based on the specifics of the project approved.

This request for applications does not commit IREX to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a concept note not funded or contracted for the services or supplies described herein. IREX reserves the right to fund any or none of the projects submitted. Further, IREX reserves the right to make no awards as a result of this RFA.




  • Be a non-profit organization officially registered in Ukraine for at least 18 months prior to application submission.
  • Funding will be granted to those Ukrainian NGOs that are registered in accordance and working in compliance with Ukrainian laws on the territory of Ukraine.
  • NGOs and their members cannot represent or be affiliated with any political party or with appointed or elected officials.
  • NGOs and their members cannot represent or be affiliated with any religious institutions and organizations.
  • U.S. or other third-country organizations and individuals are not eligible to apply for this award.
  • Must meet the project’s objective and principles.
  • Must contain expected outcomes and results consistent with and linked to the project objective “Rapid, flexible means to help civilians and key civil society groups avoid the worst impacts of combat operations.”
  • The applicant is not a debarred organization.
  • Applications must be submitted in Ukrainian or English.
  • Project dates may not exceed the date listed in the RFA.  
  • Has or is willing to register for a Unique Entity ID (UEI). 


Cost share is not required.


The applicant / application must meet all following requirements:

  • Have positive NGO work experience, including experience of successfully implementing donor-funded projects.
  • Have proven experience of cooperation and coordination with Ukrainian government institutions on national and/or local level.
  • Have proven experience of successfully implemented projects in the field of mental health, training for mental health professionals, rehabilitation efforts in Ukraine.
  • Have proven experience of successfully implemented projects that included equipment purchases, contracting vendors.
  • Experience of successfully implemented projects for veterans, their families and/or mental health professionals will be an advantage.
  • Previous jointly implemented projects with the MoVA will be an advantage.
  • Have proven experience of event management.
  • Have sufficient human and operational resources to complete all project activities. 
  • Mental health professionals involved in the project must have a mandatory additional specialization (certification) in one of the psychotherapy methods with proven effectiveness, which have a strong evidence base based on international research and are recommended by international protocols (e.g. Va/Dod Clinical Practice Guideline for management of posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder), or are trained in one of the following psychotherapy methods under supervision.
  • Professional trainers involved in the project in adaptive sports must have international certificates confirming their qualifications.
  • The Training of Trainers (ToT) must be conducted on the basis of organizations licensed to conduct educational programs.
  • Be able to work within a certain time frame.
  • Provide all necessary documents for participation in the competition (see the list of documents in Annex 1).


  • Sub-award funds provided under the terms of this RFA shall not be used to procure goods or services from suppliers that may be identified on the USG consolidated list of debarred, suspended or ineligible subcontractors at or any “watch lists.”
  • Any purchases or activities deemed unnecessary to successfully complete the activity, including any sub-awardee headquarters’ expenses that are not directly linked to the implementation of the proposed project.
  • Previous obligations and/or bad debts.
  • Fines and /or penalties.
  • Gambling.
  • International travel costs.
  • Other costs unallowable as referenced 2 CFR 200 Subpart E Cost Principles.
  • Please note that recipients of funds must comply with several sub-award management and reporting requirements, such as adhering to IREX and funder policies, documenting and submitting proof of project activities, and regularly measuring and reporting on project implementation and results. IREX recommends that applicants consider the time and resources needed to address these requirements when designing their project activities and budgets. 
  • Expenditures that are directed, either directly or indirectly, towards assisting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Territorial Defense Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and other Defense Forces. 

The following categories of goods are eligible, but not limited to:

  • Printing and publishing: training/promo materials (printed or recorded information you plan to use in a training program), flyers, banners, etc., including fees for development of the design.
  • Office supplies.
  • Small inventory supplies (up to 500 USD). Equipment for trainings (not prostheses or rehabilitation equipment): the applicant can request equipment that is within the budget of the Small Grants Competition that is justified by activities and is sustainable.
  • Administrative costs (not more than 10% of the budget).
  • Consultants’ fees.
  • National travel costs.
  • Programs intended for the growth or institutional development of the organization.
  • Other expenses related to the project.
  • COVID-19 “covered materials”.
  • Bank fees (including opening and closing of the special account/subaccount and all bank fees related to the project) (for CSOs or media organizations).

The following expenses WILL NOT BE COVERED:

  • Specific medical equipment.
  • Medicines.
  • Food products, humanitarian aid, disposable goods.
  • Internet connection expenses.
  • Maintenance and renovation expenditures.
  • Charity or support for political parties.
  • Lobbying support for religious activities.
  • Loans.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Any costs supported by applicants before and after the project implementation.
  • Large items of durable equipment or construction programs.
  • Organizations with affiliation to elected officials, political parties, or religious groups.
  • Political or partisan activities.
  • Activities that take place outside of Ukraine.
  • Scientific research.
  • Purchase or lease of land and/or buildings.
  • Venture capital, for-profit endeavors, or charging a fee for participation in the project.
  • Individual scholarships.
  • Gifts or prizes.

*All goods required within the project must be justified by activities. If your requested good/item is questionable, please contact URRF. The URRF program has the right to revise the requested goods/services, check the quality of and reject/approve the goods or services.

All goods and services must be calculated/budgeted and procured with VAT 0%. More details about this will be offered to the selected applicants for the implementation of the projects.




To be considered for this funding opportunity, please provide a project proposal and budget. One organization or a consortium of organizations could submit a maximum of one project proposal for consideration.  

Submit your project proposal together with a budget and a letter of support/MoU/Agreement (upon availability and only relevant to the proposed activities) via email to and a subject line “URRF Grant – RFA for Borodianka Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation.” You must use the subject line “URRF Grant” to be considered.

Late Application   

Late applications are marked as “late” and are ineligible for review or award; however, IREX reserves the right to accept and include late applications in the review and award process when it is considered within the best interest of IREX to do so and if applications that were received on time have not been opened and reviewed. Applications submitted late or incomplete run the risk of not being considered for review.  


Please note that IREX strongly encourages interested organizations to closely read all the instructions and guidance in this document.

Pre-award costs are not allowable and will not be reimbursed.


Any questions concerning technical issues when submission should be sent via e-mail indicating subject line “URRF Grant – RFA for Borodianka Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation.” no later than July 16, 2024. Please note that IREX does not accept any questions concerning this RFA except to resolve technical issues.

The correct subject of the letter must be indicated for your application to be considered.




The application will be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria set out below. The evaluation committee will meet and discuss received project proposals and the budget.

Each member of the committee will assign scores to select proposals that best meet technical merit criteria: 

  • Project Sustainability - 10 points
  • Expected impact on beneficiaries and target audience reach - 30 points
  • Experience of the organization and team composition - 30 points
  • Reasonableness of the budget – 30 points 

Maximum 100 points in total.

Only those applications that will be selected based on the technical merit will be invited to engage in pre-award negotiations. The selection of an application following the evaluation committee's deliberation outcomes does not assure the awarding of an award from IREX. Selected applicants will receive an email letter with detailed information.




The recommendation or selection of a project proposal in accordance with established procedures does not guarantee an award.  All applicants must demonstrate that they possess, or have the ability to obtain, the necessary management competence to practice mutually agreed upon methods of accountability for funds and other assets provided. 

A successful applicant selected based on technical evaluation and results of interview, can expect to receive an Award Letter via e-mail. The award letter will be addressed to the organization’s point of contact as stated in the concept note. IREX will notify only successful awardees of the selection process.

Following the Award Letter, final negotiations will take place before signing a sub-award.

IREX does not commit to providing feedback on any application or organization, nor does it guarantee to specify the reasons for any decision made based on the outcomes of the selection process.


A description of reporting requirements will be included in the Sub-award Agreement.  The types of reporting (weekly, monthly, milestone) required, along with the schedule of reporting, will depend on the sub-award type and project duration.  Reporting forms will be provided to sub-award recipients. 

  • Program report to be submitted during project implementation according to a schedule described in the sub-award agreement.  This report will include a description of progress made during the period, problems in project implementation; actions taken to overcome them; and activities planned for the next period.  
  • The final program report will describe how the project objectives and goals were reached, results of the project, and problems and solutions during implementation.
  • Financial reports may be submitted based on award type. The schedule of reporting will depend on the type of sub-award, length of the project, and amount of funding.



Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award or commitment on the part of IREX, nor does it commit the Ukraine Rapid Response Fund program/IREX to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application.

IREX reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted. Further, IREX reserves the right to make no awards as a result of this RFA.

Додаток 1


  • У разі позитивного рішення про надання гранту з боку IREX для отримання гранту необхідно буде надати  IREX пакет наступних документів:
  • Повністю заповнена заявка на грантову підтримку відповідно до рекомендованого зразка;
  • Бюджет запропонованого проєкту відповідно до рекомендованого зразка;
  • Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію ГО;
  • Рішення про внесення ГО до Реєстру неприбуткових організацій та установ;
  • Протокол ГО або Наказ про призначення директора або особи, яка уповноважена на підписання грантової угоди;
  • Довідка про банківські реквізити ГО;
  • Наказ або положення про облікову політику організації ГО (за наявності);
  • Наказ або положення про здійснення закупівель товарів, робіт, послуг (за наявності);
  • Статут ГО (Сканована версія);
  • Перелік навчальних тем (в розрізі компонентів);
  • Резюме усіх членів проєктної команди та, за можливості, залучених тренерів.