Seeking Proposals for an Impact Evaluation on Student Learning Outcomes in Jordan

Seeking Proposals for an Impact Evaluation on Student Learning Outcomes in Jordan

The USAID Pre-service Teacher Education Activity is seeking a Jordanian firm to conduct an impact evaluation in Jordan.


IREX is seeking proposals from qualified firms to conduct an impact evaluation of the PSTE Diploma on classroom behavior, engagement, and student learning outcomes. The evaluation will employ statistical matching, or another rigorous quasi-experimental impact evaluation methodology, to estimate the causal impact of the PSTE Diploma on key student-level outcomes. Preference will be given to proposals with a rigorous identification strategy and a methodology to identify a credible counterfactual.

Scope of Work 

With a focus on students in grades 4, 8 and 10, and student learning outcomes in Arabic, Math, Science and English, the impact evaluation aims to address the following questions: 

  1. What is the impact of the PSTE Diploma program on student learning outcomes?
  2. What is the impact of the PSTE Diploma on student classroom behavior, engagement and participation, and the teacher-student relationship? 
  3. What variables affect the ability of PSTE graduates to positively impact student learning outcomes, student classroom behavior, engagement and participation, and the teacher-student relationship?
    1. How does the impact of the PSTE Diploma differ based on years of teaching experience post-PSTE graduation? Is there a measurable difference in impacts among the students of teachers from PSTE Cohorts 1, 2, and 3? 
    2. Are there differences in impact among different subject areas, grade levels, and/or gender? 

Under the direction of, and with support from, the USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan team, the selected firm will be expected to work closely with the Ministry of Education (MoE) to gain inputs and buy-in to the final impact evaluation design, identify and secure access needs and approvals, and where possible engage MoE research staff in evaluation planning, data collection and analysis to strengthen their capacity and experience in impact evaluation. It is anticipated that the selected firm will facilitate workshops with MoE staff at critical points in the evaluation design, implementation and analysis.     



The selected firm will be expected to perform and deliver the below: 

1. Inception Report

The evaluation design and plan will be shared through an inception report and presentation to the program team. The program team will provide feedback on the inception report following the presentation, which should be incorporated into the final workplan. The inception report should include the following: 

  • Evaluation Design: The firm is expected to develop an evaluation design using statistical matching, or another rigorous quasi-experimental impact evaluation methodology.
  • Data Collection Plan: The data collection plan should include: (a) plans for creating, piloting, and finalizing data collection tools, (b) address any ethical concerns around data collection, (c) plans to manage data collection and ensure data quality. The firm is expected to manage all data collection and analysis related to student outcomes in coordination with the program team and the Ministry of Education. 

2. Data Collection Tools 

The tools can include (but are not limited to): classroom observations, national tests in the four subjects, and/or other assessments. 

3. Ministry of Education (MoE) Workshops

The firm is expected to prepare and facilitate approximately 4 workshops with the MoE aligned with key stages in the evaluation e.g. evaluation design, evaluation planning and implementation, data analysis, findings and recommendations. 

4. Final Report

The final report should include an executive summary, background and introduction, methodology, findings and analysis, conclusions and recommendations. 

5. Final Report Presentation

The firm is expected to present a summary of the repots and its main findings to the team in a PowerPoint format

The firm is expected to present the full Arabic draft report to MoE. It is expected that the report will need another round of review incorporating MoE’s comments.

6. Raw Dataset

The firm is expected to create and share a cleaned, de-identified raw dataset with the program team 

All deliverables must be submitted in English and Arabic. The firm should expect a cycle of review, feedback and response for each deliverable. 


Proposal submission requirements:

USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan reserves the right to reject all offers, to add, delete, choose item/items or services, and modify any element of the solicitation at any time without prior notification and without any liability or obligation of any kind. This request for Proposal (RFP) does not obligate USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan project to enter a contract nor does its obligate USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of submission of any Response.

Proposal should be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes:

  1. The Technical Proposal (hard and soft copies).
  2. The Financial Proposal (hard and soft copies).

Technical Proposal:

The Technical Proposal should include the following:

  1. A detailed technical approach outlining how the evaluation will be conducted. The technical approach should include details of the steps the firm will take to establish a credible counterfactual group, as well as the firm’s proposed sampling methodology.  The firm is expected to have a strong understanding of secondary data related to the impact evaluation (e.g., OpenEMIS, standardized national assessments) to inform the selected methodology.
  2. A work plan with timelines for each task and deliverable, with work anticipated to begin the first week of September 2024 and conclude by June 1, 2025. 
  3. Information on the qualifications and experience of the proposed team members. 
  4. Past performance to include information on similar evaluations conducted by the firm.   

Financial Proposal

  1. Price proposal must be valid for forty (40) days.
  2. Bid entrance bond or a certified check equal 3% of the total financial offer, addressed to the International Research and Exchanges Board. The validity of the entrance bond should be 90 calendar days.

Both financial and technical proposals should be submitted to the USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan program office at: 

Abdel Rahem El-Haj Mohammed Street, 66 Fountain Plaza Building, fourth floor, Sweifieh – Amman – Jordan

Submission deadline information:

Vendors must submit their application documents in both hard and soft copies to PRESTIJ offices (mentioned above under “PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS”). USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan will only consider responses from responsible vendors for award. The deadline for submission may be changed at any time in the sole discretion of USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan project.

Release of RFP: July 18, 2024.

Submission of Bidders Questions via Email to by July 28, 2024, maximum at 4:00 pm Amman time. 

Answers to questions will be shared with all bidders by Email: July 31, 2024, before 4:00 pm Amman Time. 

Submission deadline by hand at the USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan activity (PRESTIJ) office on August 08, 2024, before 4:00 pm Amman Time.


Period of performance:

The implementation period will be from September 1, 2024 until June 01, 2025 (all deliverables must be submitted before June 01, 2025).


Eligibility requirements:

To be eligible to participate in this competitive solicitation, firms must provide the requested below as part of the technical proposal:

  1. A proof of registration as a Jordanian firm in the country of Jordan to include a valid vendor occupation and/or registration certificates.
  2. Past performance demonstrating at least 7 years of previous experience working on impact assessments.
  3. Reference List of at least 3 clients to include (Project Name, Size, Contact Name, Contact Number).



Submission deadline by hand at the USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan activity (PRESTIJ) office on August 08, 2024, before 4:00 pm Amman Time.


How to submit a concept note:

  1. Download the RFP.
  2. Submit proposals at the USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan activity (PRESTIJ) office. Address:  Abdel Rahem El-Haj Mohammed Street, 66 Fountain Plaza Building, fourth floor, Sweifieh – Amman – Jordan



Review the Q&A document

Contact: Salam Tanous, .