Georgian Media Partnership Program (GMPP)

Georgian Media Partnership Program (GMPP)


The Georgian Media Partnership Program (GMPP) aims to build lasting relationships and cultural ties between Georgian and American media outlets via two-way professional exchanges.

The program’s partnerships focus on improving journalistic, technological, and management practices among participating Georgian media professionals, who then share their new knowledge with colleagues at home.

GMPP is a 10-year program funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State through the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia.

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U.S. media professionals can now apply for a paid mentorship opportunity.

Quick Facts

  • GMPP has facilitated over 70 partnership exchange visits between ​two Georgian ​online media outlets, 16 TV companies, two radio stations, and their 15 American counterparts ​across 10 states.
  • Partnerships brought together 135 Georgian and 50 American professionals in production, marketing, promotion, sales, and media management. Most participants stay in touch long after completing the program.
  • As a result of the program, participating Georgian TV and radio stations report improved newscasts and expanded programming, increased sales and diversified revenues, streamlined management, improved staff motivation, increased web traffic and social media engagement, among others.

Watch how GMPP builds partnerships between Georgian and American media outlets

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  • Form strong, collegial, and sustainable relationships between Georgian and U.S. media outlets, resulting in improved practices among Georgian stations.
  • Equip Georgian media professionals with cutting-edge knowledge they can share with peers at home.
  • Improve participants’ understanding of each other’s culture, society, and values.
IREX plays an especially big role in the development of the Georgian regional TV stations.... GMPP provides financially frail media outlets with hope for the future and an opportunity for development. Giorgi Akhalkatsi, Dia TV news producer and talk show host

Project Activities

  • Partnerships between Georgian and American stations: Each year, the program selects Georgian broadcasters through open competition, conducts detailed on-site needs assessments of each finalist, and then matches them with U.S. media outlets of relevant resources, capacity, and market size for yearlong professional partnership.
  • Exchange visits: Georgian and American media professionals participate in reciprocal weeklong exchanges over the course of a year to improve the journalistic, technological, and business management practices of the independent Georgian broadcasters.
  • Information sharing: Program participants engage in peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, annual roundtable meetings, and professional association gatherings. They also build professional relationships among themselves.
  • Sustainable professional ties: Through partnership and reciprocal exchange visits to Georgia and the U.S., Georgian and American participants stay in touch and draw from each other’s experience after the program's completion.


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