Morocco Career Center Program

Morocco Career Center Program


The five-year USAID-funded Morocco Career Center program bridges the gap between youth and employers by better connecting universities and vocational institutes with the needs of the labor market.

Through the creation of modern career centers, the program provides young people with the information and skills needed to pursue meaningful employment.

Quick Facts

  • The program has established six pilot career centers in universities and vocational training institutes in three regions of Morocco.
  • More than 100,000 youth have benefitted from the program’s career center services.
  • IREX implemented professional development study tours, bringing to the U.S. more than 30 Moroccan university staff and key program stakeholders, including ministry representatives and university leadership.
  • IREX program staff delivered training sessions for over 120 career center staff members and program partners in preparation for opening career centers.


Increase employability of Moroccan youth and strengthen their ability to attain meaningful employment.

We saw several career center models on the tour. This will allow us to adapt the career center's context to Morocco, especially as we consider equipping career centers with necessary human resources and materials. Participant from a tour of career centers

Project Activities

  • Modern university career centers: The program supports the creation of replicable career centers throughout Morocco. The centers prepare students for employment by equipping them with job search and preparation skills and allowing them to interact with employers through internships and job shadowing experiences.
  • Training for career center staff: Program staff train local university staff on the effective administration of career centers and support their professional development through sessions on alumni engagement, negotiating with the private sector, entrepreneurship, and more. 
  • Dialogue between industry and academia:  The program engages public and private sector partners, as well as university administration and faculty, in dialogue about students’ career development and labor market needs through guest speakers, outreach events, and company visits.
  • Community engagement: The project builds understanding about the concept of career preparation and planning among students and their families, educators, government counterparts, the private sector, and civil society organizations.
  • Small grants to career centers: To strengthen the capacity of career centers to plan activities and manage funds, staff work with participating career centers to apply for and carry out center-led projects through small grants.


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