Performance Improvement

Performance Improvement

Graphic image of the elements that make an effective high performing  organization

IREX partners with civil society, private sector, and governments across six continents to implement measurable, high-impact initiatives. Our field-tested approach strengthens partners’ capacity, equipping them with skills to sustain and expand their impact independently over time.

At the heart of our approach is a commitment to partner-led performance improvement. We recognize that capacity strengthening is most effective and sustainable when partners define and drive their own goals, processes, and outcomes—rather than having them imposed externally.

IREX's Guide to Partner-led Performance Improvement


Our Strengths 

Data for Decision-Making

We equip partners with data ecosystem assessment tools and data literacy skills to systematically enhance their impact.

Economic Growth 

We help partners strengthen their effectiveness and increase revenue.


We support higher education institutions, schools, and teachers to enhance learning outcomes. 


We identify and develop dynamic leaders who can navigate complexity and drive meaningful change.